Friday, April 30, 2010

In “Staying Alive”, Vandana Shiva, as an eco-feminist, argues that environmental degradation comes from the same discourse which subjugates women, and in fact, it is the patriarchal western paradigm that links all kinds of inequalities to one another. From the eco-feminism perspective, the destruction and overexploitation of natural resources, which are taking place in the name of development, simultaneously lead to a new source of gender inequality, violence against women and non-western cultures. According to Shiva, the only path towards human being’s liberation and the recovery of nature lies in the revival of the feminine principle.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

این بادی که در کوچه میوزد
این بادی که مرا به کوچه‌های گمنام تو میاورد
روز اول را پیوند زد
و پیوسته وزید
گفتم: جای دوری نمی روم
چند خیابان پایین تر
این چادر جای دوری نمی‌رود
تنها کشیده میشود
 میان این همه خیمه

کشیده که شد گلویم
نه ! نترس
فریاد نبود
من را میان دست هایم جا گذاشت
همین حوالی زندگی‌ می‌کنم
گاهی‌ بیا سراغ ما
و باد از روی شانه‌‌هایم وزیدن گرفت
تا لا به لا ی بودم
بوی گس دهد
یادت هست
همین چند سال پیش بود
که گفتی‌
حرف‌ها یت بوی گسی‌ میدهد
بویم که طعم شد
پا به پای حرف‌هایم رفتم
تا این کوچه
که پیوسته باد میوزد در آن
گاهی‌ خبری بده از روزگار
آخر مگر نمیدانی
روزگار خبر‌هایش را در خورجین پدر
 پنهان کرد و رفت
بنا به گفتگو بود
چه کنم اما
حنجره ام مایل است جاری شود
نمي ايستاد به پای خویش
تا کلمه بیرون جهد
مدام می‌گوید جهاد من
 جاری شدن است
از این رو است که این روز ها
شبیه دختران سکوتم
شبیه مادرم
شبیه گبه
 وقتی‌ به آب سپرده شد

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hobbes and Bourgeois Society

Hobbes’s preoccupation with the necessity of a scientific and empirical approach in political philosophy led him to claim that his social system based upon human nature is universal and verifiable by everyone. Even though Hobbes was concerned about a universal and timeless model of society, there is some evidence that he gave a seemingly scientific form to the interests of the new emerging upper class. Following Hannah Arendt’s critique of Hobbes’ doctrine, this paper argues that some elements in Leviathan, including Hobbes’ description of human impulse, human felicity, and liberty, indicate that Hobbes “gives an almost complete picture, not of man, but of the bourgeois man. In fact, Hobbes offers a complete model which serves bourgeois ends.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cultural Feminism versus Post-Structuralism

Since 1980’s the most controversial debates among feminists have been between cultural feminists and post-structuralist feminists. Cultural feminists argue in support of the necessity to redefine woman since the origin of women’s oppression problem goes back to the patriarchal definition of woman. In fact, cultural feminists embrace essentialist approach, while feminists who utilize post-structuralism claim that solutions offered by cultural feminists would never accomplish the purpose of women’s liberation. From the post-structuralism perspective, feminists can dispel the illusion of essentialism through deconstructing all existing concepts.